
iA Global Asset Management is one of Canada’s largest asset managers. We oversee more than $100 billion across a broad range of retail* and institutional mandates with expertise encompassing all asset classes. Our capabilities enable us to provide complex investment solutions tailored to our clients’ evolving needs.

*Retail mandates refer to the management of portfolios that are distributed to individual investors through our segregated and mutual fund partners.

Leveraging our scale while executing with agility

Being a member of the iA Financial Group family provides us with the reach and resources to build innovative, high-performing investment solutions for our clients.

Home to leading talent in the Canadian investment industry

We are known for our long, successful track record, our insightful market perspectives, and our team of performance-driven investment professionals.

Committed to fuelling our core strengths and innovating

We are dedicated to delivering the best possible performance while remaining true to our commitment to risk-management and exploring innovative and sustainable ways to meet investors’ needs.

Leveraging our scale while executing with agility

Being a member of the iAFG family provides us with the reach and resource to build innovative, high-performing investment solutions for our clients.

Home to leading talent in the Canadian investment industry

We are known for our long, successful track record, our insightful market perspectives and our team of performance-driven investment professionals.

Committed to fuelling our core strengths and innovating

We are dedicated to delivering the best possible performance while remaining true to our commitment to risk management, and exploring innovative and sustainable ways to meet investors’ needs.

Our assets under management

iA Global Asset ManagementTM has evolved into a Canadian powerhouse with more than 200 investment professionals and core strengths across a diverse range of asset classes.

TM “iA Global Asset Management” is a tradename and a trademark under which Industrial Alliance Investment Management Inc. and iA Global Asset Management Inc. operate.

AUM by asset class

As at December 31, 2023

  • Public Debt - $48 billion
  • Public Equity - $35 billion
  • Private Debt - $6 billion
  • Commercial Mortgages - $5 billion
  • Private Equity - $2 billion
  • Real Estate - $2 billion
  • Others - $13 billion

AUM by Investment Fund type*

As at December 31, 2023

  • Balanced - $22 billion
  • Foreign Equities - $12 billion
  • Canadian Equities - $8 billion
  • Fixed Income - $7 billion
  • Money Market - $1 billion
  • Others - $6 billion

*Retail mandates only. Retail mandates refer to the management of portfolios that are distributed to individual investors through our segregated and mutual fund partners.

Our core values

Constantly challenging ourselves to refine, enhance, and elevate every aspect of what we do is the key to delivering consistently exceptional outcomes for clients.

Optimal outcomes are most likely to be achieved in a collaborative environment that encourages a free and open exchange of ideas and perspectives.

Each member of our team deserves to be supported and encouraged. By respecting the diversity of our professionals’ perspectives, experiences, and expertise, we become stronger together.

Delivering exceptional outcomes in today’s market environment in a responsible and sustainable manner through continuous investment in our people, capabilities, and technology.

By offering a distinctive service experience and maintaining proximity to our partners, we earn their trust and succeed together over the long term.

Providing a unique reading of the markets

Our portfolio managers have a deep understanding of macroeconomic trends and their impact on businesses. Their insightful perspectives translate into sophisticated portfolio construction and judicious security selection.

Our leaders translate complex matters into clear language – and their financial market insights are recognized for their quality and consistency.

Read our insightseast

Leveraging a human + machine culture

To build innovative strategies, we foster out-of-the-box thinking through a corporate culture in which everyone contributes and purpose-driven ideas are encouraged.

We are developing an advanced technology framework with an optimized blend of expert human judgement and cutting-edge quantitative tools.

Proudly delivering for our sub-advisory relationships

We are invested in our clients’ success and are committed to providing our institutional clients, consultants, and iA Financial Group's 25,000-strong network of financial advisors with timely support, dedication, and exclusive thought-leadership.

As the investment manager for the assets of iA Financial Group’s insurance arm, iAGAM embodies the sophistication and commitment to excellence that are synonymous with the highest standards of institutional investing.


Committed to
sustainable investment

We seek superior, risk-adjusted returns through a holistic investment approach that integrates both financial and sustainability considerations. We actively incorporate sustainability factors, such as climate change, diversity, health and safety, and strong governance, to strengthen our investment framework’s resilience in an ever-changing world. We use our voice to promote strong stewardship across financial markets with a view to a better future for our clients and stakeholders.

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Our wide-ranging capabilities




Strategic and Tactical
Asset Allocation


Manager Selection
and Oversight


Security Selection



Combining our set of capabilities and deep expertise in technology allows us to cover the full spectrum of asset classes and investment styles.

Explore our strategies